Monday, May 07, 2007

Pligg is in

Blogger thought it could handle anything. Blogger thought that you could have a group blog with an unlimited number of members. Blogger thought it had seen everything. Blogger was wrong. It was knocked out by 1000+ knitters. Sock knitters to be exact. We're all participating in Sockapalooza 4. And we killed it. Technical knockout.

Pligg to the rescue. We're using Pligg now to handle our new blog. It's different. I don't always like different, but I'm learning to accept. I read most of my blogs with Google Reader and I don't think I can do this with Pligg.

And before I forget to tell you...I had picked out yarn and a pattern for my pal's socks. Well, I'm not happy. In fact, I said a few too many words I shouldn't repeat in public just knitting the toe of the toe up socks. You can't give a knitted gift with that kind of karma. So on to a new yarn with the same pattern.