Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Gotta Focus

I have a problem. I am easily distracted. Very easily distracted. I want to work on the next project even when I'm not done with the one I'm currently working on. Or rather the several I'm working on. Just check out the works in progress on the sidebar to the right. There's a lot of stuff in that list. And that's only the stuff I am even remotely kinda sorta actively working on. At least the ones I'll admit to. There are really more than that.

It's not like I don't enjoy working on the current projects. They're great and I want to get them done. Really I do. If I didn't, would I track their progress? Let alone track it publicly. For all the world to know I never finish things. That would be like failing a test on international TV. Did I tell you my parents were both educators so failing is not allowed? Especially publicly.

Yet, I am anxious to start a new project. While attending the MI Fiber Festival I bought a kit to make the Fiber Trends Huggable Hedgehog. It's so cute. Isn't the hedgehog cute? You gotta admit he's cute. I really want to start it. Wouldn't you want to start it? And it's felted so it knits up big and it should be fast. Right? I can finish it over Labor Day weekend with no problem. By the time I add it to my works in progress list it will be done. So I should just go ahead and do it, right. Where's an enabler when you need one?

But I have so many things already in progress. And they're all scattered on and around the sofa in the living room. It's a large sectional sofa and there's no place for guests to sit because of all the projects. What's a girl to do?


Laura said...

Yes Renee, you should definitely start that adorable little hedgehog! The way I see, it, starting new projects actually helps me finish the old ones. See that 90% finished one you have there on the sidebar? Well you just switch off the hedgehog and that one until they are both done! See? Two projects finished! At least that's the theory I work by. I have at least as many UFOs as you do. I flit around them like a little bee until something finally gets finished. Knit on!

Anonymous said...

I'll kidnap the hedgehog and keep him safe and sound until you finish your other projects. :)